On a paved outdoor pathway, a caregiver gently supports a patient to walk along the path. The person is using a walking aide to support her. There are also guard rails on either side of the path.

Sparking Change in the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics Awards Program

An awards-based quality improvement program supporting the appropriate use of antipsychotics through person-centred care in long-term care homes.

Program Overview :

Antipsychotics are often prescribed to manage responsive behaviors associated with dementia, these drugs can cause serious side effects like confusion, dizziness, stroke or even death. While use was declining before 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced significant challenges, including staffing shortages and infection control measures, leading to increased rates of potentially inappropriate antipsychotic use. Deprescribing these medications when they no longer benefit or cause harm can improve safety and quality of life, especially with supportive care strategies. Person-centered care is a proven and safer alternative that addresses the root causes of responsive behaviors benefitting residents, care partners and care providers. Learn more about HEC's work on the appropriate use of antipsychotics (AUA).

How this program can help you

The Sparking Change in the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics Awards Program provides resources, coaching and financial award opportunities to up to 500 teams in long-term care (LTC) settings working to decrease the potentially inappropriate use of antipsychotic medications. 

Register for the program

Whether your team is just setting out on your AUA journey, needs help to “spark” your deprescribing work or is already showing promising results, this program is designed to help you through coaching and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

Registered teams will have access to:

  • quality improvement coaching
  • webinars
  • curated tools and resources
  • peer-to-peer knowledge exchange
  • content and resources on the AUA approach
  • award opportunities totalling up to $32,000 per home

This program runs from November 2024 to February 2026 and is designed to be flexible. 

Please see our Terms and Conditions (PDF 492 KB) for more details.

Watch the recording

Interested in sparking change for your LTC home? Watch the webinar below to learn even more about the program, including how to register and how your team can win monetary awards.

Who should join

Sparking Change is open to any LTC home across the country currently working on or interested in quality improvement work to reduce potentially inappropriate antipsychotic use for their residents. Teams who have previously participated in one of HEC’s LTC programs and those who are new to HEC are equally encouraged to register.

Register today

Sites located in British Columbia must be pre-approved by Health Quality BC to register for the program. For more information on the registration of sites from British Columbia in Sparking Change and the British Columbia AUA Action Series, please contact longtermcare@healthqualitybc.ca.

If you have more questions about this program, please see our frequently asked questions or contact us at AUA-UAA@hec-esc.ca for help.

Featured content

Why join the Sparking Change in the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics (AUA) Awards Program?

Is your long-term care (LTC) home working to reduce antipsychotic use for residents without a diagnosis of psychosis? Whether you’re just getting started or building on existing work, Healthcare Excellence Canada’s (HEC) Sparking Change in the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics (AUA) Awards Program is designed to make a meaningful impact in your home.

Learn more

Featured content

Why join the Sparking Change in the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics (AUA) Awards Program?

Is your long-term care (LTC) home working to reduce antipsychotic use for residents without a diagnosis of psychosis? Whether you’re just getting started or building on existing work, Healthcare Excellence Canada’s (HEC) Sparking Change in the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics (AUA) Awards Program is designed to make a meaningful impact in your home.

Learn more

AUA tools and resources

The foundation of the AUA approach is providing a supportive care environment for the person with dementia, getting to know them and tailoring care to their habits and preferences. We’ve created simple tools to support any long-term care home in their efforts to use person-centred care and the AUA approach – whether they are participating in Sparking Change or on a self-guided improvement journey.

These resources also offer guidance to care providers and care partners on how to address responsive behaviours without using medication.

Access AUA resources

If you would like to access our AUA Toolbox, then you can do so here. In addition, you can download a fully accessible version of the AUA Toolbox here (PDF 525 KB).

HEC's work on AUA

Since 2014, we have supported hundreds of long-term care homes to safely deprescribe antipsychotics for people living with dementia. This work was first identified through our EXTRA: Executive Training Program and subsequently through a series of national and provincial collaboratives in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Quebec.  Learn more about HEC’s work on AUA.

Related resources

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Supporting organizations

HEC is grateful to the following organizations for their support in helping deliver Sparking Change, including:

Canadian Association for Long Term Care

Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network

Health Quality BC

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Canada’s Drug Agency


Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada

Choosing Wisely Canada