An older adult sits in a wheelchair in their home.

Enabling Aging in Place

This collaborative supports organizations to implement practices that enable older adults with health and social needs to age where they call home, with formal support.

Program overview :

Evidence shows that one in 10 people who enter long-term care potentially could have been cared for at home with formal support. However, lack of information and navigation support, limited mobility and transportation, geographic disparities and other barriers make it difficult for many older adults to be supported to age in place. Encouragingly, many aging in place programs across Canada are successfully helping older adults stay at home safely, with better health and quality of life.

Enabling Aging in Place brings together health and social service organizations from across the healthcare continuum to implement promising practices that are delaying entry to long-term care. The collaborative aims to improve safety, health and quality of life outcomes, while also reducing emergency department visits, lessening demands on care partners and making better use of health and social care resources.

Featured content

Promising Practices for Enabling Aging in Place

Read short summaries of promising practices that are enabling older adults to age in place across the country.

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Featured content

Promising Practices for Enabling Aging in Place

Read short summaries of promising practices that are enabling older adults to age in place across the country.

Learn more

How the collaborative works

The collaborative is delivered in two phases. In phase one (January 2024 to April 2024), teams received support to create implementation and evaluation plans. This helped them develop sustainable aging-in-place programs that built on the strengths of individual communities and responded to the local needs of older adults and their care partners.

Qualifying teams from phase one who demonstrated readiness to implement their programs and successfully completed their implementation and evaluation plans will be supported to implement, spread, or expand a promising practice based on this progress in phase two of the collaborative (June 2024 to September 2025).

Who’s participating

HEC has invited 24 teams from communities across the country to participate in the Enabling Aging in Place collaborative. Learn more about the teams and where they’re located.

Meet the teams

If you have questions about the Enabling Aging in Place collaborative, please contact

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