Program overview :

Paramedics and Palliative Care Resources

This page provides additional resources for organizations or jurisdictions interested in implementing a palliative approach to care for paramedic services. These resources should be reviewed alongside the Paramedics and Palliative Care: Bringing Vital Services to Canadians change package, which includes additional resources such as local program model and education summaries.

Paramedics and Palliative Care Change Package

The Paramedics and Palliative Care change package provides core principles and elements required to develop and implement a palliative approach to care for paramedic services.

Learn more

The resources below are from organizations that participated in the Paramedics and Palliative Care: Bringing Vital Services to Canadians program, including teams, coaches, Healthcare Excellence Canada and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.

Communications and Awareness Resources 

See the Paramedics and Palliative Care program in action in some of the participating jurisdictions: 


British Columbia 

Nova Scotia 

Prince Edward Island 

Palliative Care Competency Frameworks 

The following frameworks detail the competencies required by paramedics to provide palliative care: 

Education Resources 

The following resources were used to develop and deliver education to participating teams: 

Patients, Families, and Caregiver Engagement Resources 

The following resources were used by participating teams to help form meaningful partnerships with patient, family and caregiver advisors: 

Evaluation Resources 

The following resources were used by participating teams for program evaluation, data collection and research and publication: 

Change Management Resources  

The following resources were used by participating teams to support change management strategies: