In this section :
- Hospital harm is everyone’s concern
Hospital Harm Improvement Resource
- How to Use the Hospital Harm Measure for Improvement
- Learning from Harm
- General Patient Safety Quality Improvement and Measurement Resources
- Hypoglycemia: Introduction
- Aspiration Pneumonia: Introduction
- Delirium: Introduction
Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Introduction
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Discharge Abstract Database
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Importance to Patients and Families
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Measures
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Success Stories
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: References
- Medication Incidents: Introduction
- Obstetric Hemorrhage: Introduction
- Patient Trauma: Introduction
- Pneumonia: Introduction
- Pneumothorax: Introduction
Post Procedural Infections: Introduction
- Post Procedural Infections: Discharge Abstract Database
- Post Procedural Infections: Importance to Patients and Families
- Post Procedural Infections: Clinical and Systems Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Post Procedural Infections: Measures
- Post Procedural Infections: Success Stories
- Post Procedural Infections: References
- Pressure Ulcer: Introduction
- Sepsis: Introduction
- UTI: Introduction
- Venous Thromboembolism: Introduction
- Wound Disruption: Introduction
- Obstetric Trauma: Introduction
Procedure-Associated Shock: Introduction
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Discharge Abstract Database
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Importance to Patients and Families
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Clinical and System Review, Incident Analysis
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Measures
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Success Stories
- Procedure-Associated Shock: References
- Selected Serious Events: Introduction
Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Introduction
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Discharge Abstract Database
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Importance to Patients and Families
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Measures
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Success Stories
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: References
Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Introduction
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Discharge Abstract Database
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Importance to Patients and Families
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Measures
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Success Stories
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): References
Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Introduction
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Discharge Abstract Database
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Importance to Patients and Families
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Measures
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Success Stories
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): References
- Birth Trauma: Introduction
- Device Failure: Introduction
Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Introduction
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Discharge Abstract Database
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Importance to Patients and Families
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Surveillance, Outbreak Management
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Measures
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Success Stories
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: References
- Laceration: Introduction
- Retained Foreign Body: Introduction
Viral Gastroenteritis: Introduction
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Discharge Abstract Database
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Importance to Patients and Families
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Surveillance, Outbreak Management
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Measures
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Success Stories
- Viral Gastroenteritis: References
Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Success Stories
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Patient blood management has been defined as any intervention that helps decrease the patient's likelihood of needing a blood transfusion during their hospital stay. Fairly liberal transfusion practice for anemic patients was the standard of care throughout the world. However, in the last decade there is evidence of many adverse outcomes associated with blood transfusion, especially when given during or immediately after a surgical intervention.
The greatest predictor of whether a patient will need a transfusion is their preoperative hemoglobin level. The Holland Centre at Sunnybrook performs over 3,000 orthopaedic surgical procedures annually. In 2011, it introduced routine CBC (complete blood count) preoperative screening of all surgical candidates to identify anemic patients, manage potential anemia and refer high risk patients to the Blood Conservation Clinic for anemia optimization before surgery.
All preoperative patients are given oral iron for one month. If patients are anemic, they are referred to the Blood Conservation Clinic (BCC) four to six weeks preoperatively for consideration of IV iron or Eprex. The project involved an interprofessional team that included Anesthesia, Hematology, Nursing, and Orthopaedic Surgeons. A preoperative blood conservation algorithm was designed and broad staff education was conducted. Patient education materials were also developed. Transfusion rates during the study period were 3.6 per cent compared to 5.1 per cent previously. The estimated cost-savings associated with fewer transfusions in this patient population was $75,000 (Health Standards Organization 2013).
Sainte-Justine UHC, Quebec
With a focus on providing quality care, the Transfusional Medicine Committee at Sainte-Justine UHC put forth a recommendation to introduce transfusion practice certification for all transfusion staff. Thereby, a transfusion practice training and certification program was implemented at Sainte-Justine UHC in 2005. Sainte-Justine is the first hospital centre to have implemented a certification of such calibre. The program seeks to decrease the number of transfusion accidents and promote professional development among nursing staff. Certification applies to nurses, transfusion inhalotherapists, perfusionists and phlebotomists. Licensed Practical Nurses will be included next. With recertification taking place every two years, an internal study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of maintaining this program within the organization (Health Standards Organization 2012).

Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications