Obstetric Trauma: Discharge Abstract Database
Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) Codes included in this clinical category:
A03: Obstetric Trauma
Concept |
Third- or fourth-degree perineal lacerations or other obstetric injuries to pelvic organs during a non-instrumented vaginal delivery identified during the delivery episode of care. |
Notes |
Refer to D03: Obstetric Trauma for obstetric trauma during an instrument-assisted vaginal delivery. |
Selection criteria |
O70.201* |
Identified as diagnosis type (M), (1), (2), (W), (X) or (Y) AND O10–O16, O21–O26, O28–O37, O40–O46, O48.–, O60–O75, O85–O92, O95.– or O98–O99 with a sixth digit of 1 or 2 or Z37.– on the same abstract |
5.PC.80.JH |
Identified as an intervention AND O10–O16, O21–O26, O28–O37, O40–O46, O48.–, O60–, O75, O85–O92, O95.– or O98–O99 with a sixth digit of 1 or 2 or Z37.– on the same abstract |
* Before 2018–2019 data |
Exclusions |
Codes |
Code descriptions |
O70.201 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.211 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, type 3a, so described, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.221 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, type 3b, so described, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.231 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, type 3c, so described, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.281 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, other specified type, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.291 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified type, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.301 |
Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.181 |
Other rupture of uterus during labour; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.301 |
Obstetric laceration of cervix; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.401 |
Obstetric high vaginal laceration; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.501 |
Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.601 |
Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
5.PC.80.JH |
Surgical repair, postpartum of obstetric laceration of corpus uteri [body of uterus] |
5.PC.80.JJ |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of cervix occurring at vaginal delivery |
5.PC.80.JR |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of bladder and urethra |
5.PC.80.JQ |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of rectum and sphincter ani |
5.PC.80.JU |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric high vaginal laceration |
5.PC.80.JL |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of broad ligament(s) of uterus |
Additional Codes: |
Inclusions |
O10–O16 |
Outcome of delivery (refer to Appendix A of the Hospital Harm Indicator General Methodology Notes) |
Additional Codes: |
Exclusions |
O04.– |
Medical abortion |
5.CA.20.^^ |
Pharmacotherapy (in preparation for), termination of pregnancy |
5.CA.24.^^ |
Preparation by dilating cervix (for), termination of pregnancy |
5.CA.88.^^ |
Pharmacological termination of pregnancy |
5.CA.89.^^ |
Surgical termination of pregnancy |
5.CA.93.^^ |
Surgical removal of extrauterine pregnancy |
5.MD.53.^^ |
Forceps traction and rotation delivery |
5.MD.54.^^ |
Vacuum traction delivery |
5.MD.55.^^ |
Combination of vacuum and forceps delivery |
5.MD.56.NN |
Breech delivery without episiotomy, partial breech extraction [assisted breech delivery] with forceps to aftercoming head |
5.MD.56.PC |
Breech delivery with episiotomy, partial breech extraction [assisted breech delivery] with forceps to aftercoming head |
5.MD.56.NR |
Breech delivery without episiotomy, total breech extraction with forceps to aftercoming head |
5.MD.56.PF |
Breech delivery with episiotomy, total breech extraction with forceps to aftercoming head |
5.MD.56.NW |
Breech delivery without episiotomy, unspecified breech extraction with forceps to aftercoming head |
5.MD.56.PJ |
Breech delivery with episiotomy, unspecified breech extraction with forceps to aftercoming head |
5.MD.60.^^ |
Caesarean section delivery |
D03: Obstetric Trauma
Concept |
Lacerations of third degree or greater severity, or other obstetric injury to pelvic organs during an instrument-assisted vaginal delivery. |
Notes |
Selection criteria |
O70.201* |
Identified as diagnosis type (M), (1), (2), (W), (X) or (Y) AND O10–O16, O21–O26, O28–O37, O40–O46, O48.–, O60–O75, O85–O92, O95.– or O98–O99 with a sixth digit of 1 or 2 or Z37.– AND intervention codes 5.MD.53.^^, 5.MD.54.^^, 5.MD.55.^^, 5.MD.56.NN, 5.MD.56.PC, 5.MD.56.NR, 5.MD.56.PF, 5.MD.56.NW or 5.MD.56.PJ on the same abstract |
5.PC.80.JH |
Identified as an intervention AND O10–O16, O21–O26, O28–O37, O40–O46, O48.–, O60–, O75, O85–O92, O95.– or O98–O99 with a sixth digit of 1 or 2 or Z37.– AND intervention codes 5.MD.53.^^, 5.MD.54.^^, 5.MD.55.^^, 5.MD.56.NN, 5.MD.56.PC, 5.MD.56.NR, 5.MD.56.PF, 5.MD.56.NW or 5.MD.56.PJ on the same abstract |
* Before 2018-2019 data |
Exclusions |
Codes |
Code descriptions |
O70.201 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.211 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, type 3a, so described, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.221 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, type 3b, so described, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.231 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, type 3c, so described, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.281 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, other specified type, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.291 |
Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified type, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O70.301 |
Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.181 |
Other rupture of uterus during labour; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.301 |
Obstetric laceration of cervix; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.401 |
Obstetric high vaginal laceration; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.501 |
Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
O71.601 |
Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments; delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition |
5.PC.80.JH |
Surgical repair, postpartum of obstetric laceration of corpus uteri [body of uterus] |
5.PC.80.JJ |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of cervix occurring at vaginal delivery |
5.PC.80.JR |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of bladder and urethra |
5.PC.80.JQ |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of rectum and sphincter ani |
5.PC.80.JU |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric high vaginal laceration |
5.PC.80.JL |
Surgical repair, postpartum of current obstetric laceration of broad ligament(s) of uterus |
Additional Codes |
Inclusions |
5.MD.53.^^ |
Forceps traction and rotation delivery |
5.MD.54.^^ |
Vacuum traction delivery |
5.MD.55.^^ |
Combination of vacuum and forceps delivery |
5.MD.56.NN |
Breech delivery without episiotomy, partial breech extraction [assisted breech delivery] with forceps to aftercoming head |
Additional Codes |
Exclusions |
5.MD.60.^^ |
Caesarean section delivery |
O10–O16 |
Outcome of delivery (refer to Appendix A of the Hospital Harm Indicator General Methodology Notes) |
Obstetric Trauma