In this section :
- Hospital harm is everyone’s concern
Hospital Harm Improvement Resource
- How to Use the Hospital Harm Measure for Improvement
- Learning from Harm
- General Patient Safety Quality Improvement and Measurement Resources
- Hypoglycemia: Introduction
- Aspiration Pneumonia: Introduction
- Delirium: Introduction
Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Introduction
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Discharge Abstract Database
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Importance to Patients and Families
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Measures
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: Success Stories
- Infusion, Transfusion and Injection Complications: References
- Medication Incidents: Introduction
- Obstetric Hemorrhage: Introduction
- Patient Trauma: Introduction
- Pneumonia: Introduction
- Pneumothorax: Introduction
Post Procedural Infections: Introduction
- Post Procedural Infections: Discharge Abstract Database
- Post Procedural Infections: Importance to Patients and Families
- Post Procedural Infections: Clinical and Systems Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Post Procedural Infections: Measures
- Post Procedural Infections: Success Stories
- Post Procedural Infections: References
- Pressure Ulcer: Introduction
- Sepsis: Introduction
- UTI: Introduction
- Venous Thromboembolism: Introduction
- Wound Disruption: Introduction
- Obstetric Trauma: Introduction
Procedure-Associated Shock: Introduction
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Discharge Abstract Database
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Importance to Patients and Families
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Clinical and System Review, Incident Analysis
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Measures
- Procedure-Associated Shock: Success Stories
- Procedure-Associated Shock: References
- Selected Serious Events: Introduction
Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Introduction
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Discharge Abstract Database
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Importance to Patients and Families
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Measures
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: Success Stories
- Electrolyte and Fluid Imbalance: References
Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Introduction
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Discharge Abstract Database
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Importance to Patients and Families
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Measures
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): Success Stories
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Health Care / Medication Associated Condition): References
Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Introduction
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Discharge Abstract Database
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Importance to Patients and Families
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Measures
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): Success Stories
- Anemia – Hemorrhage (Procedure-Associated Conditions): References
- Birth Trauma: Introduction
- Device Failure: Introduction
Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Introduction
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Discharge Abstract Database
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Importance to Patients and Families
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Surveillance, Outbreak Management
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Measures
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: Success Stories
- Infections due to Clostridium difficile, MRSA or VRE: References
- Laceration: Introduction
- Retained Foreign Body: Introduction
Viral Gastroenteritis: Introduction
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Discharge Abstract Database
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Importance to Patients and Families
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Surveillance, Outbreak Management
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Clinical and System Reviews, Incident Analyses
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Measures
- Viral Gastroenteritis: Success Stories
- Viral Gastroenteritis: References
Laceration: References
Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA), Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIROC). Surgical safety in Canada: A 10-Year review of CMPA and HIROC medico-legal data. Canadian Patient Safety Institute; 2016.
Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA). Managing the medico-legal risks of placing a central line. CMPA. Published 2011.
Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA). Working with medical equipment — Reducing the risks. CMPA. Published 2012.
Connecticut Center for Patient Safety. Felecia Gerardi: No one would listen!! Connecticut Center for Patient Safety. n.d.
Dubeck D. Robotic-assisted surgery: focus on training and credentialing. Pa Patient Saf Advis. 2014;11(3):93-101.
Feil M. Distractions in the operating room. Pa Patient Saf Advis. 2014;11(2):45-52.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). How-to Guide: Prevent harm from high-alert medication. IHI; 2012.
Japan Council for Quality Health Care. Rectal perforation associated with glycerin enema. Medical Safety Information. 2007;3.
Lefebvre G, Devenny K, Héroux D, Bowman C, Mimeault R, Calder L. Intra-operative injuries during abdominopelvic surgery: An analysis of national medico-legal data. Conference Paper presented at the: Canadian Surgery Forum 2018; September 13, 2018; St. John's, NL.
Magee MC, Finley E, Liberatore K. Are you ready to respond? Reports of high harm complications after surgery and invasive procedures. Pa Patient Saf Advis. 2018;15(4).
Manitoba Health, Healthy Living & Seniors (MHHLS). Post endoscopy complications to reduce gastric volvulus. MHHLS; 2017.
McClurken JB. Minimizing complications from temporary epicardial pacing wires after cardiac surgery. Pa PSRS Patient Saf Advis. 2006;3(1):8-12.
National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA). Chest drains: Risks associated with the insertion of a chest tube. National Health Service; 2008.
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority. Fetal lacerations associated with cesarean section. Pa PSRS Patient Saf Advis. 2004a;1(4):9-10.
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority. Preventing adverse events related to chest tube insertion. Pa PSRS Patient Saf Advis. 2007;4(3):99.
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority. Snip-It Safety. Pa PSRS Patient Saf Advis. 2004b;1(4):4-5.
Wallace SC. Data snapshot: Maternal serious events. Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority. 2016;13(4):163-165.
